
The Jurisfiction Roleplaying Game is a tabletop roleplaying game loosely based on the Thursday Next/BookWorld series of books by Jasper Fforde. Ever wanted to be in books?

Jurisfiction is the policing agency inside the BookWorld, a world made up entirely of text. Fiction, non-fiction, oral tradition, fairytales, everything's in there. Jurisfiction make sure novels keep on track and run smoothly for the reading pleasure of the Readers in the Outland (RealWorld). In this roleplaying game, you pick a literary character to become a Jurisfiction agent, and the agents then go on a mission somewhere in fiction.

The roleplaying game is a lot more about novels in general than it is about the BookWorld novels in particular, so don't worry if you as a player haven't read them. You don't need to in order to enjoy the game, but it would certainly help the Game Master - or the Bellman as she or he will be referred to here - if you have, as you're then familiar with the constraints of the world. Also, they're bloody good books, which is another reason why you should read them.

Here's a list:

  1. The Eyre Affair (2001)
  2. Lost in a Good Book (2002)
  3. The Well of Lost Plots (2003)
  4. Something Rotten (2004)
  5. First Among Sequels (2007)
  6. One of our Thursdays Is Missing (2011)
  7. The Woman Who Died a Lot (2012)

The line between RealWorld and BookWorld is breached in book one, but Jurisfiction and Bookjumping isn't introduced until the second book. The BookWorld plays a bigger part in books three and four, and the whole world is re-created into a geographical system in book six. It's up to the Bellman to decide whether to navigate the BookWorld using Bookjumping (old) or other means of transportation (new). In all fairness, you don't need to use either if you don't want to.

More information will be added as we go along.

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